Our PenCott™ family of camouflage patterns will be featured with quite an impressive list of exhibitors at this year’s Enforce Tac and IWA…
S.O.D. Gear
Italy’s renowned S.O.D. Gear was one of the very first high-end, real-deal manufacturers to pick up on the PenCott™ patterns, and sent them off with some pretty cool dudes to open doors and meet people in some interesting places… S.O.D. Gear will be at Enforce Tac for the first time this year.

Direct Action
One of the most eagerly awaited appearances at this year’s Enforce Tac and IWA has got to be Direct Action – the new advanced, professional brand from under the umbrella of Helikon-Tex. Enforce Tac / IWA marks the first public unveiling of the full line of Direct Action gear and clothing. Be sure to drop by and check them out.

A brand that’s gained an outstanding reputation for innovation and high-quality over the past few years, UF PRO will be showcasing their range of superb products – including new items like their Monsoon SmallPac system and Hunter Sweater in GreenZone™ , and their brand new Striker HT hot weather BDU in BadLands™ will make its debut at this year’s IWA.

Leo Koehler
Another long time provider of high-quality items in PenCott™ camouflage patterns, Leo Koehler will be displaying their wares again this year at IWA – visit them at stand number 343 in hall 9.

The Polish super-company that’s been most active with the PenCott™ patterns, Helikon-Tex will be showcasing their 2015 line-up at IWA. Drop by to see what’s new, chat to their crew, and pick up a catalogue (or two).

Polish outdoor gear and backpack manufacturer Wisport will be bringing out several products in GreenZone™ and BadLands™ soon. Drop by their IWA booth to find out more – Hall 9, Stand 344.

Saving the biggest news for last! - the Tacticaltrim booth at IWA will be something like PenCott™ Zentrale this year. Not only will they have samples of the full range of PenCott™ camouflage fabrics on hand, they will also be featuring the first European unveiling of Murdock Webbing company’s jacquard-woven GreenZone™ webbing, and they will be showcasing the first public appearance of the full range of PenCott™ camouflage products from Tasmanian Tiger.
Tacticaltrim will also be featuring several special guests and partners on their booth as well – including: