RECON COMPANY adds PenCott-GreenZone to its line-up

Renowned German tactical gear retailer RECON COMPANY is now offering SABRE’s line of PenCott-GreenZone clothing for sale.

Currently in stock are the Sniper Smock and Trousers and the Combat Field Shirt that were featured in the KOMMANDO article about Austria’s COBRA anti-terror unit.  The photos below, from the RECON website, give a good look at some of the key attributes of each of these garments (click on the pictures to enlarge).

Sniper Smock



Sniper Trousers


Combat Field Shirt

And finally, SABRE will be releasing even more PenCott goodness later this year…

Smocks, trousers, hats, and more – in Badlands, GreenZone, Sandstorm – and Snowdrift!  ETA is the end of December.

About Lawrence Holsworth

Marketing and Business Development Director, Hyde Definition.
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